Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tag Dari Amy

Hutang tag yg bertangguh dr Amy German, harap Amy puas hati... heheh... cam berbau jer dak Amy nih besday kiter dah nak sampai 2-3 hari lg... haaaaaa ni lah jawapannya Amy oooiiii...

1)Make a list of what u want on your birthday
2)The list should be 10 numbers
3)post the image of this award to your posting
4)give it to 10 frens of yours
1. Mesti la nk mungerrr... hehehe..

2. Dinner yg romantik... waaaa.. seeyyyyy...

3.Mesti arrr nk hadiah... x kira la apa???

4. Kalo bole nk yg ni... pasai dh abissss... kikiki

5. Kalo dpt nih lg bestttt... hehehe cam En Hb tokey minyak lak erkkk...

6. Terlanjur dh amik cuti.... nk g cuti laaaa...

7. Best erkkk sesekali sesama amik coti... g jejalan

8. Kalo duit berlebihan.. dpt g sini bestttnyerrr... kira hadiah paling best laaa...

9. Kalo dh berjalan n bercoti kalo bole nk... heheh...

10. Haaaaa.... lepas semua atau salah satu dh dapat, mesti makin bertambah sihattt.. hehehe... nk yg ni la pulakkk.. mestiiii!!! x banyakk... sikit pon x perrr.. kikiki

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